October Huddle Followup: Engage, Encourage, Inspire
Last week many of you came out to join us for our fall leadership huddle. We discussed various ways of creating environments for meaningful conversations, member transparency and encouraging a closer walk with Christ.
A special thanks to Jesse and Kara O'Hara who shared how moving to the ten-week weekly meeting schedule has transformed their group.
Here are some of the notes we took at the meeting
1. What comes to mind when you think of a healthy Community Group?
Consistent attendance
Open communication
Safe and supportive of member needs
Accountable to one another
Listening members
Friendly & Inviting
Authentic and transparent
Members who participate
Makes prayer & spiritual health a priority
Confidentiality and trust
Finding ways to serve others
2. What contributes to shallow conversations or hinders your members from diving deeper?
Too much social talk
Unwillingness to participate
Lack of prayer
Poor communication
Intimidation or lack of confidence
Lack of commitment
Varying life stages
Lack of transparency
Not meeting consistently
Strategies to combat various issues:
Lack of Prayer
Pray more
Encourage a 2 - 3 sentence prayer max so it’s non intimidating
Say the Lord’s prayer together
Meditation practices: Lectio Divina, prayer of examining, centering down
Start your meeting with prayer time
Separating men & women for prayer time
Try Echo Prayer by Echo Prayer (app)
Incorporate a worship song prior to prayer time
Unwillingness to communicate or be authentic
Ask those that are quieter simpler questions that are not intimidating
Use icebreakers to warm people up
Encourage answering around the circle
When leaders model authenticity, members will follow
Invite members to participate by asking good questions
Not meeting regularly
just do it, even if there are only two couples or individuals there. Set the expectation that you WILL be meeting no matter what
Strongly consider meeting weekly
Different personality styles
Embrace different styles; allow the outspoken ones to lead occasionally and shy ones to take prayer requests or research service projects
Be patient with people who don’t share immediately
Keep the study topic in focus, redirecting bunny trails or the comedian of the group.
Change up the way you do your study occasionally so all personality types can benefit. (Ex: video series, research-driven, book series)
Minimizing (dog / kids)
Redirect social talk during the study. Delegate time for that at beginning/end
start with an opening prayer/ or ice breaker
Life stages
extending grace to people who are in a new life stage who may need to take time away from the group. Keep praying for them and reaching out
Tips and hints
Meet one on one with group members to get to know them
Encourage one on one meetings in your group
Share responsibilities and ownership of your group
Invite members of your group to take turns leading the conversation
Schedule your service project and meetings and understand that not all people can make it.