Serving Others
In the end, the most important thing is not to do things for people who are poor and in distress, but to enter into relationship with them, to be with them and help them find confidence in themselves and discover their own gifts. . . .The promise of Jesus is to help us discover that the poor are a source of life and not just objects of our charity. - Jean Vanier
On Tuesday, April 24, current and future Community Group leaders came together to discuss what it means to truly “serve others”. In a video clip Francis Chan reminded us that serving is not about checking off a box or to make ourselves feel better. It’s about developing a relationship with people and realizing that the people we serve are just like us, they are children of God and are worthy of our love. When we choose meaningful and lasting acts of service, we serve the way God intended, the way Jesus modeled here on Earth.
We watched a video clip about a group that started Laundry Love (include hyper link to video), which literally pays for people’s laundry when they walk in the door, forming relationships with those people and showing them the love of Christ.
CFCers John Ratchford and John Ressler shared with us their recently launched project called OneFamily. It’s goal is to come alongside one family in need, decipher what needs they have and help to provide those needs, while teaching them how to provide for themselves in the future. OneFamily is seeking volunteers and would love to hear from your group! Email: or for more info.
In the end, Patrick charged leaders with 5 questions, and here is how our leaders responded:
1. What can we as leaders do to create a culture of serving?
Leaders can encourage group members to use their gifts to serve, taking tally of what gifts your members have and how they can best use them in the community.
Leaders can remind members that daily acts of service are great as well, living a life of service instead of only focusing on planned projects.
Modeling “margin in our own lives” was also brought up to remind us that our calendars do not always have to be filled to the max. When we allow white space in our calendars, we allow opportunities to serve.
2. How do we engage our group to serve?
By casting a vision as a leader and sharing where our hearts are, members can be inspired to carve out time in their schedule.
Leaders should not be worried about pleasing everyone’s schedules. Just go out and plan it. The Lord will speak to the member’s hearts who should serve and they will follow through.
Leaders can make it a point to share stories of how they have served and their experiences doing so.
Remind members of the goal, which is to connect with people. Invite people from a particular ministry who have been affected by acts of service to come to your group to share.
Before you start your meeting, pray for a specific project or family.
Ask someone to be “in charge” of serving projects and have them share at each meeting.
3. What obstacles can keep us from meaningful serving opportunities and how can we overcome them?
The obstacle of people commiting their time and following through with serving. We can overcome by modeling it in our own lives and make it a priority in our group.
Not having resources that groups need to get started. We can overcome this by signing up for something that’s already in place, where we don’t need extra resources.
Trying to find a project that matches the passions of each member. Overcome: just find something to pick and make it happen! You can’t please everyone.
Knowing what to do and where to do it? Overcome: will be up and ready to provide project ideas to all CFC Community Groups.
People just don’t want to serve beyond being a part of small group. Overcome: Just bring it up and talk about it, don’t let it go. Pick something small and uncomplicated to begin with.
4. Reflecting on past service projects, how can we make future serving opportunities more impactful?
Focusing on the need for relationship-building, not just checking off a box.
Leading with love, remembering that we are all children of God.
Not getting caught up in logistics, but just choosing to serve. You don’t have to start something new, join in with what’s already happening.
Team up with another group
5. October is “Month of Service”. How can we as a church family best prepare for this event?
Offering something that can be done church-wide. And figure out how to continue on with whatever project is established.
Having a prayer network to CG leaders regarding needs about October month.
Have a big marketing effort to share success stories of past projects, etc.
Get people involved that are not in a CG.
Start now by taking a simple video with your phone of your next project