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The Loft
at Millersville Church

Shondra Stoner

The Loft was started in response to the Penn Manor School District social workers needing a readily accessible place to store and receive food for students and their families.We have since expanded services to include anyone who lives within the Penn Manor School District. Our desire is to provide a place where people can get what they need, give what they can and grow together.

At The Loft we realize that all people, at some point in their lives, are faced with needs-whether physical, emotional or spiritual in nature. Yet, at the same time all people have some sort of abundance that they are able to give of—whether it is relational, time, talents or financial in nature. This is why The Loft provides the opportunity to both give and get, all within the same context in hopes that as a community we will all grow together.

How can your group help?

  • Share out of your own abundance

  • Organize a donation drive

  • Sort food and clothing

next steps: cONTACT sHONDRA

testimonies from cfc volunteers:

“I love getting to know the people that visit The LOFT regularly and hearing their stories.  It’s a wonderful resource to assist local residents with some basic needs (food, clothing, & toiletries), while providing a warm and inviting atmosphere full of snacks and conversation.”- Angie Holsinger