CityGate Lancaster.jpg

CityGate, Lancaster

Kathy Fournier, CFC coordinator

CityGate is a gathering place for anyone seeking prayer, a free meal, or a listening ear. Located in the heart of Lancaster City, their mission is to reach the lost, the poor and the broken.

how your group can help:

Groups of no more than 15 can serve together or individuals/families can serve on their own. The opportunities below can be one-time or on-going projects, but CityGate loves when volunteers can come on a regular basis to form relationships with visitors.

  • Host or simply show up at a prayer meeting

  • Help to serve or cook a meal

  • Participate in side-walk ministry during meal service

  • Host an event of your choosing (if you have a passion, please share)

  • Lead worship

  • Bless those receiving a meal with your gift of music

  • Work in the LOVE GARDEN - providing fresh vegetables seasonally

  • Donate seasonal clothing, hygiene items and socks

next steps: cONTACT KATHY