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A Woman’s Concern

Laura Kline
Marketing & Communications Manager
717-394-1561 ext. 2

A Woman’s Concern is a non-profit, community-based organization focused on empowering women to make informed decisions. We believe that pregnancy and parenting choices are for parents to make, but they don’t have to make them alone.

Their story began more than 40 years ago when a small group of women decided to start an organization that empowered women and families by giving them the life-affirming options and support they needed to thrive.

how your group can help:

  • Stuffing envelopes, inserting labels, etc. (1-2 times per year).

  • Go door-to-door in surrounding area with door hangers to inform the community.

  • Weeding, mulching, mowing, and/or shoveling snow at the center.

  • Participate in their Baby Bottle Blessings fundraiser.

  • Hold a Shower Moms with Love baby shower (more info here: https://www.pregnancylancaster.com/shower-moms-with-love/)

next steps: Contact Laura